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Digital save the date for Lauranne & Lander

'Leve het goede leven! Humanisme voor iedereen' by Johan Braeckman

'Verklaring van 30 november - Krijtlijnen voor een leefbare wereld' by Hans Claus.

Flyer for a benefit concert

'Filosoferen in de tropen - over Fernweh en het uitstijgen boven de wereld' by Elisabeth van Dam

'De kamer als kosmos - Reflecties over de economie van het denken' by Harold Polis.

'Thuis in de wereld – de wereld als huis' by Katrien Schaubroeck.

Campaign image for Le Grand Ballet, a performancy by ICTUS ensemble and Zonzo Compagnie.

'Encyclopedia' by artist Charlotte Lybeer

Logo design for a series of philosophical lectures hosted by Het zoekend hert.

Logo design for a florist

Design proposal for a competition (2nd place)

Design proposal for a food blogger

Birth anouncement

Collages for a series of creative workshops for children at the Big Bang Festivals by Zonzo Compagnie.

Wanneer we spreken over kolonisatie / Quand on parle de la colonisation, is a compilation of essays by Congolese historians.
The book was initiated and published by publiekeacties, an artistic platform by artist duo Vesna Faassen & Lukas Verdijk.
The book was initiated and published by publiekeacties, an artistic platform by artist duo Vesna Faassen & Lukas Verdijk.

‘Vrijheid van meningsuiting - Kerngedachte van de verlichting’ is an essay written by Johan Op de Beeck, published by Humanistisch Verbond as part of the Karel Poma lecture 2019.
In 2022, the following essay was published in the series: 'Tussen canon en improvisatie. Tussen traditie en verbeelding. Notities voor een culturele verlichting' by Jan Raes.
In 2023, another essay was published in the series: 'Over bomen en mensen - geschiedenis en toekomst van ons klimaat' by Valerie Trouet.
In 2022, the following essay was published in the series: 'Tussen canon en improvisatie. Tussen traditie en verbeelding. Notities voor een culturele verlichting' by Jan Raes.
In 2023, another essay was published in the series: 'Over bomen en mensen - geschiedenis en toekomst van ons klimaat' by Valerie Trouet.

Logo for 'Ouderkracht', a new initiative by Humanistisch Verbond, connecting and supporting parents in these challenging times.

Identity for Things that Matter, a design and production company.

Scenario of 'The inhabitants' by Ananda Serné

Photography and graphic design for a fashion project by Elisabeth Claes and Hanna Jacobs

Publication in celebration of 25 years abortion law in Belgium. Initiated by Luna.

Yearly (bicolor) publication Etalage for Humanistisch Verbond.
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